Money-Saving Tips For Your Dream Vacation

So, you decided to take a vacation this year but still have no idea how to save money? Your money was just “stop by” to your wallet and end up was spent to buy something? You are not alone. There are people who always complaining if they can not take a leave for vacation (even unmarried person) because of money. Well, in my opinion, it is not always the money. It is about the way of you think. 

I am not an expert in personal financial planning, neither an economics graduate. I am just a frequent traveler who always save salary to take a vacation. Working hard, then traveling hard. But why you have to listen to me? Since there are many travel blog who discuss the same thing, I could give you some of my saving stories

1. Do not tempted by sale. Women usually tempted by fashion sale, while men by gadgets, automotive accessories, or Skyrim latest game. Stay focus, imagine it, with that money, you can have a great pad thai in Chiang Mai or a glass of beer in Prague.
2. Saving needs commitment, determination, and effort. First of all, set your goals clearly. Which country do you want to visit and for how long you will be travel. Calculate your budget and determine the saving goal. Currently, I am setting my goal very clear: I want to go to Eastern Europe, one year from now, for 3 months, with budget IDR 30,000,000. Then, from the determination, you can remember your goal and makes you feel ease with the saving commitment. Remember, it is better spent your money in your dream vacation. Just remember your goal. You could also tell your friends and family to help you. If you, someday, forget your commitment to save, they could remind you and warn you. And that will help your effort too.

3. Go green. You can sum up your money while saving the environment. Isn’t it great to be heard? Well, yes it seems going green is not related to protecting the environment, but if you act carefully, you can save money. Starting with reduce your car usage. Every citizen in the earth know that gas is expensive. You can save up to IDR 6,000,000 (USD 600) per year if you can eliminate car usage. Even better, while doing green acts, you can save money from electricity bills. Great, isn’t it?

4. Reduce your personal lifestyle expenses. A cup of coffee in the morning will cost IDR 30,000. A ticket to a movie in the weekend will cost IDR 50,000. Gym membership will cost up to IDR 500,000 per month. Buying magazine or books will cost up to IDR 300,000. Spa treatment in a local beautician will cost at least IDR 50,000. A plate of a main course will cost IDR 30,000. Why not reduce them or replace them so you can bulging you bank account? Let’s say, don’t drink Starbucks Coffee everyday. Or maybe you can watch a movie one or twice a month instead every weekend (and try to watch it on weekdays, where the price is cheaper). Or giving up your gym membership and replace it with home workout. Or buying e-books and e- magazine, when the price is much cheaper (and sometimes, even better, free) or go to a public library. Or you can start to learn cooking from TV, magazines, internet, or even your Mom.

5. Clean your debts. Let’s start to minimize you debts. The maximum percentage of debts is 30% from your total income. And remember, the amount is an accumulative. So, if you have debts, prioritize to clean em up first before saving, especially credit cards debts (and their BIG interest). Set the maximum target, 30%, even better you can make it 0% from total income or no debt at all!

I hope these tips are useful, thanks!
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  1. Keren mba tips tipsnya...aku juga lagi bikin planing keliling eropa ....start saving money from now yaa:-)
